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제 6 호 Dangerous Out of the House

  • 작성일 2020-06-29
  • 좋아요 Like 2
  • 조회수 16081


Dangerous Out of the House

The Trend of 'Non-Face-to-Face Consumption’

By Eugene Ha, Reporter


  As technology advances in our society these days, it is easy to see many replacements with machines instead of people in many places. You can see kiosks waiting for orders instead of clerks at fast food restaurants, movie theaters, cafes, and even large supermarkets. Customers order and pay by themselves. Most of the kiosks can only be used during lunchtime or during crowded times. However, as services come into wide use, more and more stores are taking an order only by kiosks. We call this culture a ‘Non-face-to-face’ consumer culture. Why is the culture of non-face-to-face consumption increasing? There are many advantages, such as convenience and speed, but there are also disadvantages such as many alienated groups and technical and social problems. Let's take a look at each one in detail.

What is ‘Non-face-to-face’ consumption?

  Non-face-to-face consumption culture refers to the consumption culture caused by the untact marketing or non-face-to-face marketing. Untact is a compound word of the negative prefix 'un' and 'contact’. Typical examples are the tendency to buy goods without contacting employees or other consumers, such as ordering kiosks at stores, and there are also other examples like delivery and e-commerce consumption. How does this untact culture of non-face-to-face consumption take place in our lives? The fast food industry introduced kiosks in stores four to five years ago. Also orders made with kiosks are not only for fast food or franchises, but also for small restaurants and cafes. This is the result of the tendency of those in their 20s and 30s who do not want to face employees directly, the minimum wage increase, the burden of labor costs increase, and the need to reduce labor costs. However, it is Covid 19 that has further increased and expanded this non-face-to-face consumption culture these days.

Kiosk in fast food industry

What are the examples of this consumption?

1) Kiosks 

  Currently, they are installed in public places for easy use by the public through unmanned automation of information services and tasks. They are installed in public facilities, large bookstores, department stores, and exhibition halls to provide various administrative procedures, product information, methods of use of facilities etc. In addition to the advantage of providing convenience to users, information providers do not need to have a person who guides them directly.

2) Delivery apps

  The use of delivery service applications is increasing due to corona. It is one of the markets that allows users to select and pay for menu items using apps andtoeasily consume non-face-to-face with smartphones.

3) Online start-ups and online lectures

  It is the most changed social system now. Starting with the online start of school, non-face-to-face education is becoming more important. Not only students but also office workers are doing online interviews and telecommuting.

What are the positive aspects/advantages?

1) Convenience and speed 

  According to a report released by the Center for Information and Communication Technology Promotion, 87 percent of the respondents cited ‘short waiting times’ as the reason they think kiosks are convenient. It is easier and faster to order through kiosks than through employees. Consumer waiting times also decrease as stores can receive multiple consumer orders at the same time.

2) Work efficiency and diversity

  Companies can handle various tasks efficiently by dividing tasks. Simple services are done quickly using untact technology, and more delicate services are done by employees.

3) Reduce unnecessary emotional consumption

  Worries about etiquette and consequent anxiety and tension between employees and consumers, which had previously been observed, have been reduced by machine-ordered kiosks. Simple ordering via mobile apps or sites has reduced the rudeness received by phone counselors due to their invisibility.

4) Reduce labor costs

  As machines take over orders, there is no need to hire employees separately, so fewer employees are efficiently operated. In the era of minimum wage increases, operators have been able to reduce labor costs.

What are the opposite aspects/disadvantages?

  However, the same conveniences are not shared by everyone. In the same survey which mentioned its advantages, 74 percent of the respondents said the kiosk was inconvenient because it took longer to process. Some people use kiosks to order quickly and conveniently, while others have difficulty ordering and feel the digital gap.

1) Untact divide & digital alienation 

  It is difficult for the disabled and the elderly to use the service alone. This is called an ‘untact divide’ problem. This is a phenomenon that people who are unable to adapt to the increasing number of untact technologies feel uncomfortable, especially among older people who are not familiar with the digital environment. Consumers who want an employee's explanation when purchasing a product or who cannot adapt to this non-face-to-face service may feel digital alienation too.

2) Loss of communication

  Not only can communication be cut off, but it is also difficult to deal with problems that can occur at the time of purchase or problems in the store.

3) Job losses

  As machines work on behalf of people in the service sector, the number of employees is decreasing. Typically, kiosk machines have been able to place orders without staff at the counter, and jobs have been reduced due to the activation of these services. A recent survey by the Ministry of Employment and Labor predicted that about 800,000 jobs will be lost by 2030 due to the influence of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

The word ‘non-face-to-face’ consumption culture may be awkward, but it is actually common in our lives. It will increase in more diverse areas in the future. There are many good points, but we need to recognize the various disadvantages mentioned, and find solutions to the problems that may arise. To prevent digital out-of-the-box phenomenon, businesses should provide services that can be easily recognized by consumers and also provide caring services for the elderly and minorities. If this untact culture, which blocks unnecessary contact and increases efficiency, is to be shared as a true culture, it needs systematic job measures and consideration about embracing the underprivileged. Why don't we take some time to think about the analog era, which makes us feel communication with and emotions of people rather than the digital world that provides convenience?

Eugene Ha, Reporter




